Word of the Year {2017}
She loves the smell of
warm coffees,
bloomed roses
and new beginnings.
~ S.A.
I put a lot of thought into choosing my one word. It's a daunting challenge. This one word acts as your lighthouse for 365 days. The temptation was there to choose a big, beautiful word, something that people would read and think, "My gosh, that woman is a genius. Let us bow at her feet."
Then something happened.
I made a post on Facebook about how I've gotten to the point where I really don't enjoy the Christmas season anymore. Overwhelmingly, the advice I got was to "learn to say no." But when I analyzed myself, I realized that it's not "no" I have a problem with. I'm great at saying "no". I could be the great curator of the no museum. No, no, no, no, no.
I also say "yes" a lot, lest you think I'm some kind of Negative Nancy. I say yes so much that I am frequently overextended.
But back to no.
I've always suffered from a bit of mild social anxiety. I'm also a closet introvert. If you know me in real life, you're probably like
So, all of that was to say this. I am really great at no.
What I discovered though, was that I'm not so great at "why." And I don't mean in the "let me justify why I just told you no" kind of way. I already do that, even when I don't want to. I'm working on it.
My One Word for 2017 will be WHY. #oneword365
Finding my why. Remembering my why. Justifying myself to no one but myself.
365 days to discover who I am as a person and to grow from it.
365 days to learn to be as purposeful as possible.
I'm excited for the journey.